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Exclusive Manufaktur Partner

Personal detail for you participation

Thank you for uploading your personal and travel information! We have now extracted the data for further processing.

Should there be any changes to your travel times at this point in time, please contact:

Please note that changes made after the 15.01. may not be taken into account.

Next steps

In order to prepare perfectly for the event, all participants will receive access to their personal event website on 17.01. with their group agenda and further information about the supporting program for our training.

Start/End of the Event

Depending on your chosen date, the event starts either on 25. or 30. of January at 8:00 in the lobby of the Radisson Blu hotel Stuttgart.

The official end of the event is on the 26./31. of January at 17:15 at Porsche Zuffenhausen.


As part of the Exclusive Manufaktur Partner training, you will receive information about products, features and strategic initiatives. You commit to maintain confidentiality regarding all trade and business secrets of Porsche AG that come to your knowledge.

For Porsche AG, compliance with the requirements of antitrust law is of central importance. Compliance with antitrust requirements must be ensured at all times. Since some of the participants in this event are your competitors, this includes, among other things, the prohibition of exchanging competitively relevant information (in particular prices, conditions, turnover, sales volumes and other trade secrets) or even unilaterally disclosing them.